Friday, June 5, 2009

Murder Plot

I wrote this in late May... a figment of my imagination. Somewhat dark, but not as much as my other writings.

Murder Plot
Stephen Frerichs

Murder, we conspire
Our tongues made us liars
We keep this in the dark
Our words and speech mark
What we’ve really got planned
Our plan, intricate and grand
We’ll find him alone
The knife penetrates just below bone
At least that’s the plan
The method’s been left up to our man
This is the moment, this is the second
Death on the target now begins descent
Below the deck, out of sight
Barely lit by candlelight
Is where we sat
Long hours have brought us to where we’re at
Now the killer enters, steps in
For his sins the victim will perish within
We hear a slight cry of shock, disturbance
We wait outside, every nerve and vein tense
This must succeed, it’s our purpose, our need
We silently plead for the completion of the deed
Quiet now
Unknotted become our brows
They’d been knotted in prayer
For the decline of the man in his lair
Is it done
Or will he live, has he managed to run
Our doom will be spelled
Disappointment and fear from the depths of us wells
Then out steps the assassin
“the deed is done,” he says with satisfaction
Now our tremendous relief
Replaces all, there will be no grief
He is gone
Another job over and done

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