Thursday, May 7, 2009


I wrote this late at night, after a thunderstorm.

Austin Moss

Lightning flashes all around me
Clouds rush by, they rise and fall
Night envelops, pillows beckon
Sometimes can't see beyond the Wall
Passing now the thund'ring tempest
Winds its fury 'round the air
Silence broken only by Nature
Surrounds me here, a constant stare
Thunder rumbles, deep and distant
Thoughts go deeper, yet they climb
Rain has fallen, all it cleanses,
Tendrils wind within my mind
Peace descends, a friendly presence
Takes my into deepest sleep
Darkness mumbles, murm'ring softly,
Dreams they now begin to creep
Moonlight filters through the treetops
Bathing all in softest light
Softer than the lightest feather
Mighty to wipe out all my fright
As the night suffuses dreaming
Smoothly flowing, without a crease
Music other-worldly sounding
As I walk in lands of peace

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