Thursday, May 7, 2009

Attack of the Verbs

This poem is in one of my favorite self-created styles, which is using primarily verbs to relate a concept or idea. In the end, this poem asks why people say it isn't our place to wonder why. In all of life, the why is the reason to live, so why should we not ponder and explore?

To Wonder
Attack of the Verbs
Austin Moss

To call
To say
To love
To go
To see
To find
A way
To give
To take
To make
To smile
To frown
To be
Let down
To live
To love
To be
To die
It's not
Our place
To wonder


I wrote this late at night, after a thunderstorm.

Austin Moss

Lightning flashes all around me
Clouds rush by, they rise and fall
Night envelops, pillows beckon
Sometimes can't see beyond the Wall
Passing now the thund'ring tempest
Winds its fury 'round the air
Silence broken only by Nature
Surrounds me here, a constant stare
Thunder rumbles, deep and distant
Thoughts go deeper, yet they climb
Rain has fallen, all it cleanses,
Tendrils wind within my mind
Peace descends, a friendly presence
Takes my into deepest sleep
Darkness mumbles, murm'ring softly,
Dreams they now begin to creep
Moonlight filters through the treetops
Bathing all in softest light
Softer than the lightest feather
Mighty to wipe out all my fright
As the night suffuses dreaming
Smoothly flowing, without a crease
Music other-worldly sounding
As I walk in lands of peace

Monday, May 4, 2009

Expression Number 723

Austin Moss

Fixing me
And fixing You
I can't go on
To live and do
The things you want
Of me to do

Hiding things
Among the trees
Safety is something
That's hard to please
To live and to die
To collapse on your knees

To see and to touch
To find and to learn
To build and destroy
To love and to burn
These are a few
Of the things with I yearn
To know

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Exstistentialistic Expressions of Eggs

Exstistentialistic Expressions of Eggs
Austin Moss

Catch 22
Or perhaps 23
Of all of the things
That you choose to be
You choose to be
Not to see just like me

Catch 23
Or perhaps 24
Open the door
To see you deplore
The things you adore
But now they just bore

Catch 24
Or perhaps 25
To be so alive
You have rhythm and jive
In a hive where alive
Is to work and to strive

Catch 25
Or perhaps 26
But it's Catch 22
I say that I do
But who
Do you
Do to

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Live and You Learn to Love

Live and You Learn to Love
Austin Moss

Soaring above the clouds
Got to come catch me now
Finding out most of the things that are strange

Live and you learn to love
Fly and you're high above
All of the things that you should rearrange

Come in it's plain to see
Living in ecstasy
Live and you learn to Love.

Walking among the trees
Relax 'till you're on your knees
Many are things that you think you know well

Tunneling underneath
Searching for some relief
Won't find it 'till you can learn how to tell

Come in it's plain to see
Can't live in ecstasy
Live and you learn to Love.

Narrative Part I

Part I

Austin Moss

Spinning and whirling
Down from the sky
Watching the planes
Flying on by
Carefree and thoughtless
You enjoy just to fly
Coming to ground
Learning to live
To love and to laugh
And how to forgive
But people just take
For as long as you give
Stumbling 'round
Burdened with care
Having none of the freedom
You had in the air
Stumbling and cursing
All thing laid bare
Forgotten and torn,
Life going by,
You sing to yourself
And softly you cry
Alone on the Earth
You give up and die

And wonder,


Friday, May 1, 2009

Unorganized Orderliness

I wrote this with a thought of something completely random throughout the body of the poem - yet still makes sense in a way. One thing leads into another and I think it fits together really well.

Stephen Frerichs

Roaring through the jungles

Stumbling through the tumbles

Listening to my music

Focusing on that tasty lick

Tantalizing flavor

Look for friends and for favor

This poem makes no sense

If you are one who dwells in ignorance

These are my thoughts

Unfiltered, raw and bloodshot

Like my eyes

I watch from afar as the innocent dies

Studying the material

Trying to keep my cool and not turn serial

As a killer

Don’t make me kill her

Her – my imagination

Don’t think wrong of my imitations

Of others in books

Of others I see in looks

From those around

Evil and love and war abounds

Writing randomly

Spilling my soul

Bleeding it out

On paper – now you can find the route

To What I’ve been thinking on

But wait I’m not quite done

With this poem – incomprehensible

Ending it now would be inconceivable

Talking to you

Attempting to destroy my feelings of blue

Venting my mind

So you can find

Some understanding into where I am standing

where I’m going to be landing

solving the puzzle

leaving you puzzling

wishing to stop

the tick-tock and drop

the drip of time

that is my life

this is random

is there any more? um…